

Classification Fare Note
Adult Round-Trip KRW 15,000
Adult One-Way KRW 12,000
Child Round-Trip KRW 11,500 Criteria: Age 36 months to 12 years old
Child One-Way KRW 9,000
65 and older, the permanently disabled, National Honoree and Disabled Veterans, 5.18 Gwangju Uprising Veterans Round-Trip KRW 11,500
65 and older, the permanently disabled, National Honoree and Disabled Veterans, 5.18 Gwangju Uprising Veterans One-Way KRW 9,000

Group (30 or More)

Classification Fare Note
Adult Round-Trip KRW 13,500
Adult One-Way KRW 11,000
Child Round-Trip KRW 10,500 Criteria: Age 36 months to 12 years old
Child One-Way KRW 8,500